10. Alice Cullen from Twilight: There wasn't a lot about the Twilight series that I loved. In fact I couldn't stand Bella. She was too emotional and whinny, however Alice wasn't. There wasn't a lot said about her past leaving a lot about her a mystery. I know she spent some of her living years in an asylum, but there wasn't too much more said about it. Considering how up beat and positive she is about everything, it would interesting to see how she got to that point in her life. I would love to see how she met Jasper and the Cullens, how she learned to use her abilities, and what it was like for her to transition from "insane" human to vampire. She was definitely a much more interesting character than Bella.
9. Gale Hawthrone from The Hunger Games: Team Gale or Team Peeta...love him or hate him. If you read the series, you probably have a strong opinion about him. He drove me crazy in the series. I wanted to dig into his head just to find out what the hell he was think. Some of his decisions made me want to punch him in the face, but he also had a charming side that was so endearing. If there was ever an entire book about him it would have to be all about why he decided to be a power hunger jerk towards the end.
8. Caleb Prior from Divergent: I would love to see the whole series from his POV. What the hell was going through his little pea-sized brain. Of all the plot twists and turns, I really didn't expect him. I still don't understand WHY? I have never wanted a character destroyed more than him. Maybe just maybe if I understood what was going on inside his head I might be able to forgive him. Nah I wouldn't.
7. Jace Wayland from The Immortal Instruments Series: Most of the time I really love Jace. He's quick on his feet, self sacrificing (when it comes to Clary), clever, sarcastic, and of course adorable. But there are times that I really can't understand why he does the things he does. Like in City of Bones, his "father" shows up after a long abstinence, tells him hey by the way your girlfriend is your sister, and that Jace need to join him in taking over the world. Jace acts like he really believes him and might consider this diabolical plan. Jace what the hell are you thinking!! Please let me into that head of yours! This is just one of many times I would love to dig into his thoughts.
6. Grover from Percy Jackson (The Olympians): Grover was an amazing friend to Percy. He was the perfect comic relief to Percy's serious side. I think giving him his own series on his adventures trying the bring demigods to Camp Half Blood could be a very interesting read or really depressing. Well maybe a more interesting read would be about his time missing. I'm sure it would be funny to see him getting into the messy situations he's known to do.
5. Chubs from The Darkest Minds Series: He's smart, sarcastic, loyal, and has a real kick ass ability. Chubs is just plan awesome! He went from being a book nerd who was very closed off to a bad ass genius. Watching the transition from Ruby's eyes wasn't enough for me. The risks he took through out the series to find his friends or family were so briefly touched on. I would buy any book that stars Chubs because he going to tell you straight how it is. Plus he's usually right!
4. Julie from Warm Bodies: I know what makes the story amazing is that it is told from the zombie R's POV, but I would love to see just a few of the scenes from Julie's POV. She is so brave and stupid. I'm about a hundred percent sure that if a zombie took me home because I looked cute I would shit myself. That would ruin the attraction and then I would end up as brain food. I just really want to know how she goes from "omg you killed my ex-boyfriend and zombienapped me" to "your hot and I think I want to have your babies." Please explain it to me Julie!
3. Tom Imura from Rot and Ruin: First of all I would seriously consider marrying Tom. He is a zombie-fighting samurai who believes that zombies have more humanity in them then humans. Fifteen years of adventures hunting zombies and trying to maintain a law in an apocalyptic land plus raising Benny, it would be a really amazing book. Benny spends so much time hating Tom in the first book that I feel that as a reader I really didn't get a fair amount of bad ass Tom time. More Tom please.
2. Neville Longbottom from Harry Potter Series: Now I really just want to read about him from the his seventh year during Harry's search for the Deathly Hallows/Horocruxes. Neville was fighting his own battles at the school, rebels against death eaters by leading Dumledore's Army, and kills Nagini. He some how does all this while turning into an extremely hot hero. We all need to take some lessons from him.
1. Jem Carstairs from The Infernal Devices Series: There could be an entire volume of books written about Jem, and they could be just about his life with the Silent Brothers. There could be books about his life with Tessa after the Silent Brothers. They could be all about his adventures with Will before Tessa. I don't care because I love Jem. He is probably one of my all time favorite characters. I wish I could be as zen about everything in my life like he is.
I'm sure this list will grow with time as I find more characters that I love. Please comment below about any secondary characters that stole the show for you! Until next time may your days be full of happy reading!
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